Services / Asset Searches

What you need to know about asset investigations.


Our capabilities

Asset Search Overview

As a leading U.S. firm in asset discovery, we stand out with our specialized access to SWIFT, ACH, and blockchain technologies. Our Special Investigation Unit (SIU) leverages unique real-time intelligence capabilities, enabling us to track bank and investment accounts, CDs, safe deposit boxes across the U.S., Canada, and abroad, along with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, among others.

Our asset searches are conducted within the legal framework provided by the GLBA (Graham Leach Bliley Act) and FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), ensuring compliance across various applications.


Civil or Criminal Judgment Enforcement

Asset searches are indispensable in enforcing civil and criminal judgments. By accurately identifying an individual's or entity's assets, we empower attorneys and legal professionals to strategize effectively for judgment recovery. Our targeted approach, utilizing advanced investigative techniques, ensures that no asset remains hidden, facilitating the enforcement process and maximizing recovery efforts.

Child Support and Alimony Payments

In matters of child support and alimony, ensuring financial fairness and compliance is paramount. Our asset searches provide a clear picture of an individual's financial capabilities, uncovering hidden or undisclosed assets. This crucial information supports the enforcement and adjustment of support payments, safeguarding the financial wellbeing of those who rely on them. Trust our expertise to deliver the transparency needed in these sensitive situations.


Account Validation and Verification of Assets Prior To, During Dissolutions of Marriage AKA: Divorce Proceedings

In divorce proceedings, a fair settlement hinges on a complete understanding of both parties' assets. Our asset searches play a critical role in validating and verifying accounts and assets, ensuring an equitable division. By uncovering hidden resources and providing a transparent financial overview, we equip our clients with the necessary information to navigate the complexities of asset division, safeguarding their interests and facilitating a just resolution.

Pre-Litigation Identification of Assets When Misrepresentation or Fraud is Likely Expected

When fraud or misrepresentation looms, conducting an asset search before litigation can be a strategic move. It not only uncovers the true extent of an adversary's assets but also informs the feasibility of pursuing legal action. Our in-depth investigations ensure you're armed with comprehensive financial intelligence, guiding your legal strategy and bolstering your position from the outset. Trust our expertise to reveal the hidden, providing a solid foundation for your case.


Criminal Prosecution Related Freezes and Forfeitures

In criminal cases, freezing and forfeiting assets are critical steps in disrupting illegal activities and compensating victims. Our asset searches provide the detailed financial insights necessary for identifying assets eligible for seizure. By pinpointing the exact location and nature of these assets, we enable law enforcement and legal professionals to act swiftly and effectively, ensuring justice is served and illicit gains are rightfully addressed. Trust in our precision to secure assets that are crucial to successful prosecution outcomes.

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Background Checks

Due Diligence


Blockchain and Crypto Recovery

Theft and Fraud

When you call JSG for a consultation, you will quickly realize that you are talking to experts to understand asset investigations, and are not interested in making a “quick buck” selling you things you do not need. These guys are thorough, and legit.
 - Confidential Attorney Client

Our capabilities

Experience You Can Trust

Why Choose Justice Solutions Group for Asset Searches

Beyond the Surface: Comprehensive Asset Discovery

Justice Solutions Group (JSG) excels in uncovering not just the apparent but the hidden, ensuring that nothing escapes our detailed asset searches. Our expertise spans judgment recovery to civil litigation support, leveraging specific access beyond standard public records to reveal concealed assets.

Expertise Backed by Results

Our team has successfully completed thousands of financial investigations, including bank and brokerage account searches, employing a blend of certified fraud investigators and forensic specialists. Our commitment to delivering exceptional outcomes has cemented our reputation as a premier private investigation firm.

The JSG Difference

Unlike generic online services masquerading as experts, JSG provides genuine, real-time financial intelligence. We have legitimate access to SWIFT, ACH networks, and blockchain technologies, allowing for precise tracking of digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana.

Transparent, Effective Solutions

We stand apart from misleading online offerings that promise insights but deliver superficial information. Our approach is grounded in real, actionable asset recovery, supported by a team of seasoned professionals. With JSG, you receive transparent, fair pricing and thorough investigations tailored to your specific needs, regardless of the project's complexity.

Trusted by Clients, Recognized by Reviews

JSG is not just an agency but a team of experienced private investigators with a proven track record. Our positive client testimonials across Yelp and Google reflect our commitment to excellence. We offer not only in-depth investigative services but also attorney referrals for asset recovery, ensuring every search meets stringent legal standards.

Your Assurance of Quality and Legality

Choosing JSG means opting for a firm with impeccable legal and professional standards. Whether your case requires a straightforward bank search or the disentanglement of complex legal structures, we deliver solid, actionable results. Trust in our legal compliance and the comprehensive reporting that accompanies every search.

With JSG, you gain a partner dedicated to providing deep insights and securing your interests through meticulous, legally sound asset searches.


Types of Assets That Our Searches Identify

Bank Accounts, CD’s and Mortgage Data

We specializes in providing in-depth insights into an individual's or business's financial standing through meticulous searches of bank accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), and mortgage data. Our financial asset searches are crucial for a variety of contexts, including legal judgments, debt recovery, and financial investigations. Leveraging a comprehensive network of databases and financial records, we uncover not only the existence of bank accounts and CDs but also provide detailed information on account standings, mortgage obligations, and associated financial instruments.

Our expertise ensures a thorough understanding of an entity's liquidity, financial responsibilities, and overall fiscal health, empowering clients with critical information for informed decision-making and strategic planning. Trust in JSG to deliver precise and confidential financial asset insights.

Real Estate and Property Holdings

At JSG, we excel in uncovering the full spectrum of real estate and property holdings during our comprehensive asset searches. Whether you're dealing with litigation, due diligence, or financial assessments, understanding an individual's or entity's property assets is crucial. Our specialized team employs advanced search techniques to reveal hidden or undisclosed real estate assets, including residential properties, commercial real estate, land holdings, and investment properties across various jurisdictions.

By leveraging public records, proprietary databases, and cutting-edge investigative tools, JSG ensures you receive an exhaustive overview of property holdings, helping you make informed decisions and strategize effectively. Trust JSG to illuminate the real estate landscape with precision and detail, solidifying your position with unparalleled intelligence on property assets.

401K’s, Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds

Navigating the complexities of financial investments is a critical component of our asset search services. We offer detailed investigations into the world of retirement accounts and investment portfolios, providing clarity and insight into an individual's or business's financial standing:

  • Retirement Savings: We delve into 401K accounts and other retirement savings vehicles to assess the value and conditions of these long-term investments, ensuring a clear picture of future financial health.

  • Stock Holdings: Our searches encompass detailed examinations of stock portfolios, identifying both publicly traded and private company shares, to reveal the extent of an individual’s or entity’s market involvement.

  • Bond Investments: We analyze bond holdings, including corporate, municipal, and government bonds, to understand the fixed-income investments within an asset portfolio.

  • Mutual Funds: Our investigations extend to mutual funds and other managed investment accounts, assessing the diversity and value of these pooled investment strategies.

Through our comprehensive approach, we ensure you gain a thorough understanding of all facets of investment assets, enabling informed decisions in litigation support, financial planning, or merger and acquisition strategies. Trust our expertise to navigate the intricacies of investment assets, providing you with a robust foundation for your strategic initiatives.


Employment and Retirement Income

Understanding an individual’s earnings and retirement income is a cornerstone of our asset search services. We specialize in uncovering comprehensive details about current employment, salary levels, and retirement income sources, including pensions and retirement savings accounts. Our investigations delve into verifying employment status, uncovering hidden or undisclosed income, and assessing the stability and longevity of retirement incomes.

Leveraging a network of resources, we gather essential data that aids in legal proceedings, financial assessments, and personal background checks. Our goal is to provide you with a complete financial picture, enabling strategic decisions in matters of litigation, debt recovery, or financial planning. Trust in our expertise to bring to light the full spectrum of employment and retirement income, ensuring you’re always steps ahead in your information gathering.


Corporate and Business Partnerships

Understanding the intricacies of corporate and business partnerships is crucial in asset searches. Our deep-dive investigations reveal comprehensive insights into an individual’s or entity's business involvements:

  • Ownership Stakes: We uncover the percentage of ownership and the value of shares in various companies, providing a clear picture of financial stakes and potential influence.

  • Partnership Roles: Our analysis extends to identifying roles within partnerships, detailing the nature of involvement and responsibilities in business operations.

  • Financial Interests: We scrutinize corporate filings, partnership agreements, and financial statements to map out financial interests, including dividends, profit shares, and other income sources.

  • Hidden Assets and Liabilities: Through meticulous examination of business structures, we reveal not just assets but also undisclosed liabilities that could affect your strategic decisions.

Our expertise in navigating complex business landscapes ensures you’re equipped with essential information for due diligence, strategic planning, and gaining a competitive edge in negotiations or legal disputes. Trust our team to illuminate the details of corporate and business partnerships, offering you unparalleled insight and advantage.

Automobiles, Boats and Aircraft

Our asset search services extend to all modes of transportation, ensuring no asset remains hidden. We provide a comprehensive examination of ownership and interests in automobiles, boats, and aircraft, critical for a wide range of financial and legal analyses:

  • Vehicle Ownership: We track down registration details and ownership history of automobiles, identifying both current and past assets under an individual’s or entity’s name.

  • Maritime Interests: Our searches reveal ownership stakes in boats and maritime vessels, including yachts and commercial ships, along with registration statuses and associated loans or liens.

  • Aircraft Records: We investigate aircraft ownership, including private planes and helicopters, scrutinizing FAA registrations and any financial encumbrances tied to these assets.

Our detailed approach to uncovering transportation assets provides you with a thorough understanding of an individual’s or business's tangible asset portfolio. This insight is invaluable for asset recovery, legal judgments, or financial assessment purposes, ensuring you have a complete asset overview to inform your decision-making process.


Spouse and Family Member Holdings

Investigating the full scope of an individual's assets often requires a careful examination of spouse and family member holdings. Our comprehensive asset search services extend to uncovering these interconnected assets, offering insights that are pivotal for a variety of legal and financial contexts:

  • Joint Ownership: We identify properties and assets held jointly by spouses or family members, providing a clearer picture of shared wealth and financial interests.

  • Trust Funds and Inheritances: Our investigations delve into trust funds, inheritances, and other assets passed down or held within families, crucial for understanding the distribution and control of family wealth.

  • Business Ventures: We explore involvement in family-run businesses or partnerships, assessing roles, ownership stakes, and financial contributions made by spouses and family members.

  • Gifted Assets: Our team tracks assets that have been transferred as gifts among family members, a common strategy for asset protection and estate planning.

Leveraging our expertise, we ensure that you receive a comprehensive assessment of assets within a family structure, aiding in legal disputes, divorce proceedings, estate planning, and financial analysis. Trust in our ability to reveal the complete financial landscape, including those assets intertwined with spouse and family member holdings.

Cryptocurrency and Other Assets

In the rapidly evolving digital economy, cryptocurrency has become a significant asset class that requires specialized investigative techniques to uncover. Our asset search services are adept at navigating the complexities of digital currencies, along with other unconventional assets, ensuring a comprehensive asset profile:

  • Cryptocurrency Holdings: We meticulously track and analyze ownership of various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins, identifying wallets and transactions that signify asset ownership and movement.

  • Digital Assets: Beyond cryptocurrencies, our searches extend to digital assets like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), digital rights, and online business interests, which represent a growing portion of modern wealth.

  • Intellectual Property: We delve into patents, trademarks, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property that can hold significant value but are often overlooked in traditional asset searches.

  • Precious Metals and Collectibles: Our investigations also cover tangible assets such as gold, silver, art, and rare collectibles, which can be pivotal in assessing an individual's or entity's total asset worth.

Employing a blend of traditional investigative skills and cutting-edge digital forensics, we ensure no asset, no matter how digitally concealed or traditionally hidden, escapes scrutiny. Our comprehensive approach empowers you with a detailed understanding of an individual’s or entity’s complete asset portfolio, including emerging digital assets, providing you with the insights necessary for informed decision-making in litigation, financial analysis, or asset recovery efforts.


We obtain our information from unique technology, proprietary sources, select fully-vetted databases, public records, and data from other intel. Each report is written by a member of the SUI to ensure that the information it contains is valid and actionable. We strive to provide factual data that helps you plan the appropriate action.



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Comprehensive Asset Search Packages & Bank Searches

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Our capabilities

Benefits of Hiring Experienced Asset Investigators

Our team of experts does so much more than just a records search. Proper asset investigation takes time and careful documentation. Our Asset investigations have been utilized in high-profile cases and lower court cases alike and withstand the scrutiny of the courts - and evasion of those looking to conceal hidden assets.


Hidden Assets can be difficult to trace, but not for JSG.

What are some of the ways that people try to hide assets?

Individuals and companies can hide assets in various ways. They often attempt to do this to avoid the chance of losing their assets in a court-ordered judgment, to evade federal or state taxes, or during a divorce proceeding where the assets declared by each party is determining property and spousal support.

Attempts to hide assets can result in creating off-shore or “shell” companies in small island nations. People also attempt to hide assets by transfers of real estate, titles, boats, R.V., and aircraft titles to family members. Justice Solution Group’s asset investigation methodology uncovers these attempts to transfer property, establishing evidence that can later be used in a fraudulent transfer action.

Some of the most common ways individuals and small businesses hide money include:

  • Opening an LLC/C-Corp, then closing it, but keeping the bank account open. (Banks rarely ask for verification that the business is still operational).

  • Opening a business banking account as a DBA, instead of a personal checking account.

  • Running checks and other deposits through a family member, who in turn gives the person cash or wires them the money.

  • Opening shell companies to accept payments and then paying for personal expenses out of that account (co-mingling funds).

  • Using pre-paid debit cards as a bank, where they can receive funds and use the card like any traditional bank card.

  • Opening a business and claiming a loss every year until they close the business. They then repeat the cycle by starting another business.

  • Opening a small business and running two sets of books, where not all cash is reported.



A detailed asset search starts with a great conversation.

Let’s take a few minutes to talk through your case. Our investigators have years of experience and are ready to assist.


Questions + Answers

Asset Search FAQ

Have more questions? Just give us a call: (800) 278-9329

  • We do not conduct asset recovery or judgment collection for individuals, nor do we “buy” judgments. We are only in the business of identifying assets for recovery. It is often easier than people realize to collect civil judgments. Our investigators will be happy to point you in the right direction for tactics to recover judgments.

    For corporate and legal clients, we can assist with recovery, depending on the amount owed. Each legal case has different standards for due diligence reporting, so speak with your SIU investigator about the needs specific to your case.

  • Searches typically take between 7-10 days. We can sometimes complete the search faster, depending on the nature of the case. For difficult subjects or special cases, the average is 14 days. Searches can be expedited for an additional fee.

  • No. Our asset searches are conducted discreetly without the subject being notified or "Tipped Off" in any way. We do not pretext banks pretending to be the customer.

  • The most common reason to obtain bank account or brokerage account information (liquid assets) is so that a civil judgment or child support judgment can be enforced by a levy. Clients also perform searches to:

    Identify property to place a lien against to satisfy a judgment

    Aid in determining whether or not to proceed with a lawsuit

    Identifying all non-exempt assets that can be used to satisfy a judgment such as vehicles, watercraft, aircraft, etc.

    Identifying and confirming all assets in a divorce or a bankruptcy

    Identifying and establishing admissible evidence that can later be used in a fraudulent action suit

  • Yes, as long as they follow FCRA, GLBA and Local/State guidelines and the methods used are legal (like ours). We only conduct asset searches with a permissible purpose:

    Debt Collection & Judgment Recovery, Fraud Prevention or Detection, Pre-Litigation

    Fraud Prevention (possible hidden assets) and Insurance Investigations.

  • Asset searches cannot be used for any evidentiary purposes (i.e. to corroborate testimony, exhibits etc.) It is not substantiated evidence. The information contained in reports can only be used as an intelligence aid in obtaining subpoenas, writs of execution, judgments and liens, (without directly referencing information contained in the reports), and to obtain substantiated evidentiary information by subpoena or court order. There are NO personal appearance subpoena's for asset searches.

  • Yes. Our service is not intended to be a game of "Test the Investigators"

    We are here to work with the client to identify and verify known assets, not just find assets that the client may not be aware of.

  • Not at this time. Current regulations prohibit institutions from providing transactions.

  • No. We are only able to obtain credit reports by written authorization of the consumer.

  • Unfortunately, we cannot make people have assets, so we charge for the effort of the search, not for the results in assets. If the subject has assets, we will find them and report them. If the subject does not have assets, we provide a report of our detailed search, either way.